Shirley Lazarus Sunday Evening Speakers Series – “What We DO Matters”


July 7, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm


Smith Wilkes Hall
21 Foster Avenue, Chautauqua, NY, 14722

Sabeeha Rehman & Walter Ruby: Rebuilding the Muslim-Jewish Alliance

Authors of We Refuse to be Enemies: How Muslims and Jews Can Make Peace One Friendship at a Time.

Sabeeha Rehman came to the United States in 1971. When her sons were school age, she earned her masters in healthcare administration and began a career as a hospital administrator. In 2008 she cofounded the New York Metro chapter of the National Autism Association and was its president.

Walter Ruby is a veteran activist in Muslim-Jewish relations. Since 2008, when he became Muslim-Jewish program director at the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, he has organized hundreds of twinnings.