“It was great to see high school students visiting Washington as part of the Chautauqua Holocaust and Social Justice Education Program sponsored by the Hebrew Congregation of Chautauqua. I enjoyed answering their questions and discussing the importance of remembering history and standing up against human rights abuses."
- Congressman Nick Langworthy, Representative Western New York and the Southern Tier in Congress in 2022.
The Hebrew Congregation of Chautauqua proudly supports a Holocaust and Social Justice Education program for high school students in the greater Chautauqua area.
The Congregation underwrites the cost of a trip to Washington, DC for students and teachers in the program. The program has grown yearly, both in the number of high schools participating and the number of students.
In addition to the trip to Washington, the program also provides annual teachers’ workshops, student symposia (this year on the crisis in Ukraine) and a Distinguished Speaker Series, which brings nationally and internationally renowned scholars and programs to Chautauqua County. Click here to view the students’ Thank you notes.
More information on the Holocaust and Social Justice Education Program can be found at chqsocialjustice.org.
If you wish to donate to the Holocaust and Social Justice Program, you may do so via the Donate page. You may also send a check to Hebrew Congregation PO Box 555 Chautauqua, NY 14722. Indicate in the memo field Holocaust and Social Justice Education Program.